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  Happy Independece Day
Posted by: Arun_S - 08-15-2010, 03:23 AM - Forum: Indian Politics - Replies (3)

Happy Swtantrata Divas to all Indian brothers & sisters.

Bharat Maa Ki Jai

  Cyber warfare
Posted by: Arun_S - 08-04-2010, 10:16 AM - Forum: Military Discussion - Replies (6)

This tread is for news/discussion on Cyber warfare. An area that India continues to be on the reaceiving end, even from 2 paisa tuccha like Pakistan, what to speak of determined resourceful countries like China, US.


[size="4"][color="blue"][url="http://www.thehindubusinessline.com/2010/08/04/stories/2010080453820901.htm"]India goes on the offensive in cyber warfare[/url][/color][/size] Preparing master plan to counter attacks on information networks.

[Image: 2010080453820901.jpg]

Quote:Thomas K. Thomas New Delhi, Aug. 3

After being at the receiving end of cyber attacks from across the border for many years, India is preparing a blueprint for undertaking counter cyber warfare on unfriendly countries.

According to a proposal being considered by the National Security Council, Indian agencies may be told to enhance capabilities to exploit weaknesses in the information systems of other countries and also collect online intelligence of key military activities.

The proposal includes setting up laboratories in research institutions to simulate cyber attacks with the help of ethical hackers. These laboratories would be used for training intelligence agencies for offensive and defensive cyber warfare techniques. Personnel working in this area may be given legal immunity for carrying out these activities.

The blueprint is likely be put into action by the National Technical Research Organisation, the Defence Intelligence Agency and the Defence Research and Development Organisation.

The plan also talks about setting up early-warning capabilities about impending attacks on the country's information systems and developing expertise in cyber forensics, which includes tools that focus on acquiring information from attacked systems to find out sources of attacks.

The Government is looking at setting up a National Testing Facility that will certify all imported software and hardware procured for key information systems. Security agencies are concerned about spyware or malware embedded into imported products which can be used by unfriendly countries to disrupt key sectors.

The proposed testing facility will be on the lines of the Trust Technology Assessment Programme in the US.

In order to secure key areas such as banking, Defence, the Railways, civil aviation, atomic energy and oil and gas, it is being proposed to set up a Computer Emergency Response Team for each of these sectors.

  Implications of expanding Indian success in the west
Posted by: G.Subramaniam - 07-21-2010, 05:12 AM - Forum: Indian Culture - Replies (82)

I am going to start posting data on the college rate and median family income of the US Indian diaspora, especially the changes each year

Indians seem to be pulling away in front, showing a corelation with IQ

2005 Data

Indian = 68% / $73K

White = 29% / $49K

Chinese = 52% / $59K

Pakistani = 54% / $53K

Indian / White $ = 73 / 49 = 1.49

2006 Data

Indian = 68% / $78K

White = 28% / $51K

Chinese = 51% / $61K

Pakistani = 54% / $55K

Indian / White $ = 78 / 51 = 1.53

2007 Data

Indian = 68% / $83K

White = 29% / $53K

Chinese = 51% / $66K

Pakistani = 57% / $58K

Bangladeshi = 41% / $41K

Indian / White $ = 83 / 53 = 1.57

2008 Data

Indian = 70% / $90K

White = 29% / $55K

Chinese = 55% / $68K

Pakistani = 54% / $60K

Bangladeshi = 49% / $49K

Indian / White $ = 90 / 55 = 1.64

The Indian / White Income ratio has expanded from 1.49 in 2005 to 1.64 in 2008

  The Eastern Ganga Dynasty and the Gajapati Kingdom
Posted by: Maharaj - 07-13-2010, 06:56 PM - Forum: Indian History - No Replies

Does anybody have any information about the rulers of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty and the Gajapati Kingdom?

The Eastern Ganga Dynasty and the Gajapati Kingdom ruled over the parts of Orissa,Chhattisgarh,Andhra Pradesh,West Bengal

and Jharkhand from the 11th century to the 16th century.

  Hyperspectral Imaging
Posted by: ravicv - 07-04-2010, 05:49 PM - Forum: Military Discussion - Replies (5)

The Indian defense and intelligence establishments have recently made, albiet with massive Israeli assistance, some progress in using SAR in satellites. The RISAT series is one such effort. While SAR is based on interferometry, it appears that the Indian establishment has not made any significant strides in hyperspectral imaging (HSI) which is based on spectroscopy. SAR and HSI need to compliment each other, and neither of them is a substitute for the other. While the US has recently made significant strides in the ARTEMIS program, sometimes, one wonders as to the state of comprehension of HSI within the Indian establishment.

One example, among the myriad of military and civilian uses of HSI is in BMD. HSI is an invaluable tool in identifying and tracking targets. I propose that this new topic concentrate on discussing the theoretical and engineering fundamentals of HSI (including various competing HSI architectures and ancilliary technologies like independent component analysis and blind source seperation) and its uses within the context of Indian defense and intelligence gathering requirements. Especially welcome will be credible descriptions of ongoing Indian efforts in HSI.

  Two front war on the cards
Posted by: Arun_S - 07-01-2010, 06:24 AM - Forum: Military Discussion - Replies (41)

This thread to discuss developments that is taking India India to Two Front War, and how best to prepare Indian nation to measure up to it (not just military but full nation).

There are indications that Dashahara / Diwali will be on the border with Durga in Chandi roop.

  India History Video
Posted by: Maharaj - 06-30-2010, 04:22 AM - Forum: Indian History - No Replies

What do you think about these India History Videos?A good friend of mine

sent me these videos and he highly recommended both parts.I was also

very impressed with the videos.I hope you will also enjoy it.

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vusXSO60kR4"]History of India Part 1[/url]

[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ducwv5jEcVc"]History of India Part 2[/url]

  Oil Spill
Posted by: Capt M Kumar - 06-29-2010, 09:41 AM - Forum: Newshopper - Discuss recent news - Replies (7)

He said there were three golden rules of oil spills:

1. "The first is don't spill it in the first place;

2. "The second is, if you do spill it, try and pick it up as quickly and easily as possible;

3. "And the third is that in the open ocean, the best thing to do is leave well alone. Unfortunately, politically that always looks like a cop-out."

Scientists agreed that the wetlands of Louisiana were the most sensitive areas at risk, but said that here again a light touch might be the safest solution.

"The more delicate an area is -- and many of these areas around the Gulf coast are very delicate -- the more significant is the risk of making things worse by acting," said Preston. "A rather gung-ho attitude to the cleanup could end up doing more damage than if it had simply been left alone." http://green.in.msn.com/greennews/articl...232&page=5

Source: Reuters

  International Banking and the Capitalist Conspiracy
Posted by: sumishi - 06-23-2010, 10:36 PM - Forum: General Topics - Replies (42)

They say that when the US sneezes, the world catches cold!

The Wall Street and the Federal Reserve directly affect the US economy, and indirectly the economies of the entire world.

For those in the know, there is a much darker secret behind the Federal Reserve and the Fractional Reserve System of Banking!

I will try to disseminate information and knowledge taken from books/documentaries of those who have much deeper insights than we have.

[color="#008080"]Table of Contents[/color] (only of posts related to books/documentaries):

  1. The Money Masters [1996], by Bill Still –– pg. 1, posts: #2 - #19
  2. The Capitalist Conspiracy [1969], by G. Edward Griffin –– pg. 2-3, posts: #26 - #43

  International Space News & Discussion
Posted by: Arun_S - 06-18-2010, 12:00 PM - Forum: Military Discussion - Replies (9)

Thread to track and discuss space launcher and satellite capability

To start with S.Korea's second Nero SLV launch failure

[left][url="http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-06/10/c_13343799.htm"]S. Korean space rocket might have exploded: science minister[/url][/left]

Quote: [url="http://english.news.cn/"][color="#666666"]English.news.cn[/color][/url] 2010-06-10 17:51:31

[size="1"][color="navy"]South Korean two-stage satellite-carrier Naro-1, or the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1), lifts off from the Naro Space Center in South Jeolla Province, about 485 kilometers south of Seoul, South Korea, June 10, 2010. South Korea launched Naro-1, a locally assembled space rocket Thursday, but contact with the rocket was lost only 137 seconds after the takeoff. (Xinhua/Yonhap)[/color][/size]

SEOUL, June 10 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's domestically assembled space rocket, which crashed after reaching the altitude of 70 km, might have exploded, Seoul's science minister Ahn Byung- man told reporters.

The two-stage satellite-carrier Naro-1, or the Korea Space Launch Vehicle-1 (KSLV-1), lifted off from the Naro Space Center in South Jeolla Province, about 485 kilometers south of Seoul, at 5:01 p.m. local time (0801 GMT), but communications with it was lost 137 seconds after the takeoff.

The minister offered an apology to the public over botching up the ambitious project, but said the country will continue its efforts to better the technology. South Korean and Russian experts will form a team to look into the cause of the failure.

The launch of the 140-ton rocket, made with the help of Russian experts, came a day after a technical problem with firefighting equipment delayed the initially planned blastoff. South Korea has put 502.5 billion won (404.5 million U.S. dollars) into developing the Naro-1.

Last year, a technical glitch botched up the first attempt at the rocket launch. A faulty fairing assembly prevented the rocket from putting the satellite into the orbit and the rocket veered off course.

With yet another failed attempt, South Korea has to put a brake on its ambition to join the ranks of a handful of other countries which have succeeded in putting a satellite into orbit using a locally assembled rocket.

[color="navy"]Related: [/color]

[url="http://news.xinhuanet.com/english2010/world/2010-06/10/c_13343799.htm"][color="navy"]S. Korean space rocket crashed: YTN[/color][/url]

SEOUL, June 10 (Xinhua) -- South Korea's locally assembled space rocket, which lost contact only 137 seconds after the takeoff, crashed after reaching altitude of 70 km, Seoul's news channel YTN reported Thursday.

YTN pictures showed the rocket falling from the sky.