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  Israel and China
Posted by: Meluhhan - 10-29-2011, 04:26 AM - Forum: Strategic Security of India - Replies (2)

Israel has been providing all sorts of [url="http://articles.latimes.com/1990-06-13/news/mn-95_1_military-cooperation"]military aid to China[/url]:

Quote:" . . . They (the Israelis) are never caught red-handed. They are never found with a missile in their hands. It's always (Israeli) technicians and technology transfer. When the Israeli technicians go to China, it's hard to tell what else is being discussed."

Posted by: jayeshmewada - 10-25-2011, 02:02 AM - Forum: Trash Can - No Replies


1. We medical students/doctors don't dress up fancy to the hospital, because you and your family wouldn't want to get treated by someone wearing a short skirt and sporting a sexy hair style. Since you think that they won't be "good doctors" and would be too pricy to care!

2. We don't go out as often as you do,during the 5 and half years(UG) and 3 years (PG) (a 4 and a half years and then of course clearing the license - applies to PTists) because we're so exhausted by working for long hours, that we choose to sleep and get rid of those sleep-deprived dark circles.

3. Yes, we STUDY. Like crazy. Call us nerds, if you have to. Because tomorrow you wouldn't want to get your kidneys removed instead of your appendix or take drugs for TB instead of common cold.

4. We give our 100% in doing whatever is possible to treat you. Oh of course, you smoke 10 cigarettes a day and then, in the end blame the medical science for not coming up with a 100% cure against lung cancer!

5. Sorry, we fail to make it to your night parties since we have Night Shifts, where probably you would get your friend who passed out too bad or met with an accident after drinking and driving.

6. We are totally into our family. Because with time, we realize that they're the only ones who bear the expense, the pain, the stress along with us. And we believe, in being nice to them as a sign of gratitude.

7. We move aside in buses and trains,giving you space to sit/stand. And you try to push us out all the more to get some more "space" for yourself.

8. We stay humble and polite and patiently try dealing with you. But you choose to get violent because you lost your cool and think that creating a scene would better your kith's condition.

9. We don't argue with you when you criticize the lifestyle of docs because we know you would never understand.

10. Everything being said and done, we know that things or opinions won't change in a minute or two or that you will stop slapping or sue-ing us; we will still continue to help you recover from what you've invited on yourself. We chose to be doctors, not only because we had the brains. We could've chosen engineering or the other fun filled courses with good money and settled lives. But we did, because we know that no matter what happens, you will NEED US!

  To Invest or Not to Invest that is the Question
Posted by: kabirmulchandani - 10-23-2011, 05:07 PM - Forum: Business & Economy - Replies (1)

The recent Arab Spring shook the Middle East. However, the UAE remains stable and safe, with business activities at a normal level. There as been no such uprising in the region and the country has become a default refuge from unrest.

These aspects have lead to a trend slightly different than the usual: more traffic from Arab countries to the UAE and more business.

Europe’s growing sovereign-debt crisis and the unstable US economy could well be the cause of this “regionalization” – Arabs investing their petrodollars in other Arab countries, the UAE being the center of such activity.

Dubai has seen none of the violence that has destabilized the region. Its hotel, retail and residential real estate sectors are enjoying a boost from general stability of the country.

According to Reuters, anecdotal evidence suggests that Arabs, middle class and above, are buying Dubai property to hedge their risks in other countries. Similarly in India, a weaker currency is encouraging Indian expatriates in the Gulf to invest in domestic markets.

According to the Economic Times, non-resident Indians, especially those living in the Gulf, have invested about Rs 75 crore in August and September of this year in the region, the largest pay-in in over 2 and a half years.

Recently, Russell Investments classified the UAE as an emerging market as opposed to the frontier market designation given by MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital International) and Standard and Poor’s. The UAE is the first Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) country to graduate from frontier to emerging market status within the Russell Global Index series.

The market in the UAE seems to be welcoming investments. In addition, articles say that those willing to invest in the UAE, have a longer term approach to investing and are not phased by short-term market fluctuations. This clearly demonstrates the relatively higher comparative value of investing in the UAE over other parts of the world.

According to the UAE Investor Attitudes Index as published in UAE daily – The National, about 60 per cent of the investors surveyed said it was a good time to put money in gold, and half said fixed-rate bank deposits were smart investments. The survey was based on interviews with over 750 people in the UAE, who are market investors, majority whom were expatriates.

Dubai’s roar and rumble has always been connected to the real estate market. There is still over-supply in the market and investors seem to not want to invest heavily in real estate. Though there are still a number of challenges to overcome, it seems stability is on its way up.

To add to that my own experience: I transfer property every day. My optimism comes from real demand and real purchasers with real money. I see a steady growth in prices until 2014 but then I see a significant jump between 2014 and 2016. Then probably in 2017 and 2018, when suppliers are against us to come back, hopefully we will have some stabilization.

Once pending infrastructure projects are near completion, more investors are likely to look into investing in the property market which is certainly taking an upturn.

According to a recent survey of the industry by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and INSEAD Abu Dhabi, the private equity industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) has emerged stronger from the global financial crisis and the recent political turmoil in the region. In addition, the survey showed the small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector has emerged as new investment target for the regional private equity players.

All in all, there seem to be enough good reasons to invest in the UAE in the long-term. The rest, time will tell!

Kabir Mulchandani

[url="http://skaiholdings.com/kabir_mulchandani_blog/"][color="#000080"]Skai Holdings - Dubai UAE[/color][/url]

  Theory of money and credit
Posted by: HinduTraditionalist - 10-14-2011, 03:36 AM - Forum: Business & Economy - Replies (2)

Imagine you are in command of the state, defined as an institution that possesses a territorial monopoly of ultimate decision making in every case of conflict, including conflicts involving the state and its agents itself, and, by implication, the right to tax, i.e., to unilaterally determine the price that your subjects must pay you to perform the task of ultimate decision making.

To act under these constraints — or rather, lack of constraints — is what constitutes politics and political action, and it should be clear from the outset that politics, then, by its very nature, always means mischief. Not from your point of view, of course, but mischief from the point of view of those subject to your rule as ultimate judge. Predictably, you will use your position to enrich yourself at other people's expense.

Assume that you rule over a territory that has developed beyond the stage of a primitive barter economy and where a common medium of exchange, i.e., a money, is in use. First off, it is easy to see why you would be particularly interested in money and monetary affairs. As state ruler, you can in principle confiscate whatever you want and provide yourself with an unearned income. But rather than confiscating various producer or consumer goods, you will naturally prefer to confiscate money. Because money, as the most easily and widely saleable and acceptable good of all, allows you the greatest freedom to spend your income as you like, on the greatest variety of goods. First and foremost, then, the taxes you impose on society will be money taxes, whether on property or income. You will want to maximize your money-tax revenues.

In this attempt, however, you will quickly encounter some rather intractable difficulties. Eventually, your attempts to further increase your tax income will encounter resistance in that higher tax rates will not lead to higher but to lower tax revenue. Your income — your spending money — declines, because producers, burdened with increasingly higher tax rates, simply produce less.

The question, then, that arises for you as the ruler is, How can I free myself of these two constraints, i.e., of tax-resistance in the form of falling tax revenue and of the need to borrow from and pay interest to banks?

It is not too difficult to see what the ultimate solution to your problem is.

You can reach the desired independence of taxpayers and tax payments and of banks, if only you establish yourself first as a territorial monopolist of the production of money. On your territory, only you are permitted to produce money. But that is not sufficient. Because as long as money is a regular good that must be expensively produced, there is nothing in it for you except expenses. More importantly, then, you must use your monopoly position in order to lower the production cost and the quality of money as close as possible to zero. Instead of costly quality money such as gold or silver, you must see to it that worthless pieces of paper that can be produced at practically zero cost will become money. (Normally, no one would accept worthless pieces of paper as payment for anything. Pieces of paper are acceptable as payment only insofar as they are titles to something else, i.e., property titles. In other words then, you must replace pieces of paper that were titles to money with pieces of paper that are titles to nothing.)

What are the effects? First and foremost, more paper money does not in the slightest affect the quantity or quality of all other, nonmonetary goods. There exist just as many other goods around as before. This immediately refutes the notion — apparently held by most if not all mainstream economists — that "more" money can somehow increase "social wealth." To believe this, as everyone proposing a so-called easy-money policy as an efficient and "socially responsible" way out of economic troubles apparently does, is to believe in magic: that stones — or rather paper — can be turned into bread.

Rather, what the additional money you printed will affect is twofold. On the one hand, money prices will be higher than they would otherwise be, and the purchasing power per unit of money will be lower. In a word, the result will be inflation. More importantly, however, all the while the greater amount of money does not increase (or decrease) the total amount of presently existing social wealth (the total quantity of all goods in society), it redistributes the existing wealth in favor of you and your friends and acquaintances, i.e., those who get your money first. You and your friends are relatively enriched (own a larger part of the total social wealth) at the expense of impoverishing others (who as a result own less).

Because you can create paper money out of thin air, you can also create credit out of thin air. In fact, because you can create credit out of nothing (without any savings on your part), you can offer loans at cheaper rates than anyone else, even at an interest rate as low as zero (or even at a negative rate). With this ability, not only is your former dependency on banks and the banking industry eliminated; you can, moreover, make banks dependent on you, and you can forge a permanent alliance and complicity between banks and state. You don't even have to become involved in the business of investing the credit yourself. That task, and the risk involved in it, you can safely leave to commercial banks. What you, your central bank, need to do is only this: You create credit out of thin air and then loan this money, at below-market interest rates, to commercial banks. Instead of you paying interest to banks, banks now pay interest to you. And the banks in turn loan out your newly created easy credit to their business friends at somewhat higher but still submarket interest rates (to earn from the interest differential). In addition, to make the banks especially keen on working with you, you may permit the banks to create a certain amount of their own new credit (of checkbook money) in addition and on top of the credit that you have created (fractional-reserve banking).

What are the consequences of this monetary policy? To a large extent they are the same as with an easy money policy: First, an easy credit policy is also inflationary. More money is brought into circulation and prices will be higher, and the purchasing power of money lower, than would have been the case otherwise. Second, the credit expansion too has no effect on the quantity or quality of all goods currently in existence. It neither increases nor decreases their amount. More money is just this: more paper. It does not and cannot increase social wealth by one iota. Third, easy credit also engenders a systematic redistribution of social wealth in favor of you, the central bank, and the commercial banks within your cartel. You receive an interest return on money that you have created at practically zero cost out of thin air (instead of on money costly saved out of an existing income), and so do the banks, who earn additional interest on your costless money loans. Both you and your banker friends thereby appropriate an "unearned income." You and the banks are enriched at the expense of all "real" money savers (who receive a lower interest return than they otherwise would, i.e., without the injection of your and the banks' cheap credit into the credit market).

[url="http://mises.org/daily/5749/Why-the-State-Demands-Control-of-Money"]The rest of the article[/url]

  Factor 'Anna' on Politics!
Posted by: Capt M Kumar - 10-13-2011, 03:48 AM - Forum: Indian Politics - Replies (27)

Indian Poltics is waiting for the birth of new child on horizon. Can Anna be 1?

The LensOnNews pre-poll survey said the Congress was expected to finish third, with the Haryana Janhit Congress-Bharatiya Janata Party candidate Kuldeep Bishnoi tipped to win comfortably.

Indian National Lok Dal's (INLD) Ajay Chautala would be "a distant runner-up", the survey said. The Congress candidate is Jai Prakash.

The survey was carried out Oct 8 and 9 across six of the nine assembly segments of Hisar constituency among a representative 593 voters. The poll findings carry a margin of error of five percent. http://www.dailypioneer.com/pioneer-news...urvey.html

Team Anna has urged Hisar voters to hand a "historic defeat" to the Congress for not supporting the Jan Lokpal Bill proposed by Anna Hazare.

  Slaves of the System?
Posted by: sumishi - 10-10-2011, 02:51 PM - Forum: General Topics - Replies (3)

[size="3"]In his book The Brave New World, Revisited (1958),

[indent][size="3"][quote name="ALDOUS HUXLEY"]...modern technology has led to the concentration of economic and political power, and to the development of a society controlled (ruthlessly in the totalitarian states, politely and inconspicuously in the democracies) by Big Business and Big Government. But societies are composed of individuals and are good only insofar as they help individuals to realize their potentialities and to lead a happy and creative life. How have individuals been affected by the technological advances of recent years? Here is the answer to this question given by a philosopherpsychiatrist, Dr. Erich Fromm:


Quote:Our contemporary Western society, in spite of its material, intellectual and political progress, is increasingly less conducive to mental health, and tends to undermine the inner security, happiness, reason and the capacity for love in the individual; it tends to turn him into an automaton who pays for his human failure with increasing mental sickness, and with despair hidden under a frantic drive for work and so-called pleasure.

[/indent][size="3"]... [/size][size="3"]... [/size][size="3"]...[/size][size="3"]

Science may be defined as the reduction of multiplicity to unity. It seeks to explain the endlessly diverse phenomena of nature by ignoring the uniqueness of particular events, concentrating on what they have in common and finally abstracting some kind of "law," in terms of which they make sense and can be effectively dealt with. ... In the same spirit the artist takes the innumerable diversities and uniquenesses of the outer world and his own imagination and gives them meaning within an orderly system of plastic, literary or musical patterns. The wish to impose order upon confusion, to bring harmony out of dissonance and unity out of multiplicity is a kind of intellectual instinct, a primary and fundamental urge of the mind. Within the realms of science, art and philosophy the workings of what I may call this "Will to Order" are mainly beneficent. ... It is in the social sphere, in the realm of politics and economics, that the Will to Order becomes really dangerous.

Here the theoretical reduction of unmanageable multiplicity to comprehensible unity becomes the practical reduction of human diversity to subhuman uniformity, of freedom to servitude. In politics the equivalent of a fully developed scientific theory or philosophical system is a totalitarian dictatorship. In economics, the equivalent of a beautifully composed work of art is the smoothly running factory in which the workers are perfectly adjusted to the machines. The Will to Order can make tyrants out of those who merely aspire to clear up a mess. The beauty of tidiness is used as a justification for despotism.

Organization is indispensable; for liberty arises and has meaning only within a self-regulating community of freely cooperating individuals. But, though indispensable, organization can also be fatal. Too much organization transforms men and women into automata, suffocates the creative spirit and abolishes the very possibility of freedom. As usual, the only safe course is in the middle, between the extremes of laissez-faire at one end of the scale and of total control at the other.

During the past century the successive advances in technology have been accompanied by corresponding advances in organization. Complicated machinery has had to be matched by complicated social arrangements, designed to work as smoothly and efficiently as the new instruments of production. In order to fit into these organizations, individuals have had to deindivid-ualize themselves, have had to deny their native diversity and conform to a standard pattern, have had to do their best to become automata.

The dehumanizing effects of over-organization are reinforced by the dehumanizing effects of over-population. Industry, as it expands, draws an ever greater proportion of humanity's increasing numbers into large cities. But life in large cities is not conducive to mental health (the highest incidence of schizophrenia, we are told, occurs among the swarming inhabitants of industrial slums); nor does it foster the kind of responsible freedom within small self-governing groups, which is the first condition of a genuine democracy. City life is anonymous and, as it were, abstract. People are related to one another, not as total personalities, but as the embodiments of economic functions or, when they are not at work, as irresponsible seekers of entertainment. Subjected to this kind of life, individuals tend to feel lonely and insignificant. Their existence ceases to have any point or meaning.

Biologically speaking, man is a moderately gregarious, not a completely social animal ... In their original form human societies bore no resemblance to the hive or the ant heap; they were merely packs. Civilization is, among other things, the process by which primitive packs are transformed into an analogue, crude and mechanical, of the social insects' organic communities. ... However hard they try, men cannot create a social organism, they can only create an organization. In the process of trying to create an organism they will merely create a totalitarian despotism.[/quote]

[/indent][size="3"]Later on in the book,

[indent][size="3"][quote name="ALDOUS HUXLEY"]The older dictators fell because they never could supply their subjects with enough bread, enough circuses, enough miracles and mysteries. Nor did they possess a really effective system of mind-manipulation. In the past, freethinkers and revolutionaries were often the products of the most piously orthodox education ... Under a scientific dictator, education will really work—with the result that most men and women will grow up to love their servitude and will never dream of revolution. There seems to be no good reason why a thoroughly scientific dictatorship should ever be overthrown.[/quote]


[size="3"]How much are we the slaves of the system, of Huxley's "Will to Order" in the social sphere?

Hopefully, enough reports, news and views can be accumulated here to form a databank and knowledgebase.[/size]

  Orwellian Surveillance Society
Posted by: sumishi - 10-07-2011, 12:16 AM - Forum: Strategic Security of India - Replies (40)

[size="3"]The objective of this thread is to collect news and information related to covert/overt monitoring of activities of people by governments and establishments, along with data-warehousing of captured data followed by data mining and profiling of individuals.

This is the surveillance society that Orwell describes in his dystopian novel "1984," published in 1949.

Orwell's dystopia is not much different from how things seem to be panning out.

My comments, within quoted material, will be [color="#ff00ff"]{ like this }[/color]


  2012 US President's Election
Posted by: Capt M Kumar - 10-03-2011, 03:04 AM - Forum: Strategic Security of India - Replies (7)

Recently, MMS asked for statehood for Palestine in UN General Assembly and the very next day Pak's foreign Minister was raising Kashmir as equivalent of Palestine though outside UN Assembly. Still, you can see where the strings are being pulled from.

Now coming straight to topic;

WASHINGTON: Analysts foresee many twists in the 2012 White House race, as there is no clear frontrunner and campaign rules will leave the field open even after first votes are cast.

The rise of the " Tea Party" movement has undermined the tradition of nominating a presidential candidate and new way of awarding delegates has eliminated hastened selection of a nominee, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The rise of super PACs, independent political financing organizations, permit a candidate to stay in the race even after their campaign's funds are exhausted, thus extending the race beyond the first few contests. http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news...209398.cms

  Inculturation: the OTHER christian conversion tactic
Posted by: Husky - 09-29-2011, 05:08 PM - Forum: Strategic Security of India - Replies (46)

Kalakshetra is a famous centre of inculturation on the Hindu (i.e. religious) dance Bharatanatyam (it is of the Hindu Gods and for worship of the Hindu Gods alone.) Kalakshetra is filled with christians and christo-conditioned (aka "seculars").

=> Kalakshetra inculturation

Led to:

1. www.haindavakeralam.com/hkpage.aspx?PageID=8881&SKIN=C

Quote:Inculturation and the Hybrid Bible

30/06/2009 14:26:06

By G P Srinivasan

Kalakshetra Foundation, Chennai, an Institution established for promoting Hindu Dance forms, is used for inculturation by its Jew-Christian Director. She has removed the Nataraja and Ganesh statues from its premises, which is certainly a matter of concern for Hindus (Hindu Voice, Sept. 2007).

2. Important page


by Vedaprakash

More on inculturation into Shri Vaishnavas posted more recently at vaticanculturation.wordpress.com/

3. pastebin.com/zin8MyXC

Quote: UntitledBy: a guest | Sep 21st, 2011 | Syntax: None | Size: 4.97 KB | Views: 38 | Expires: Nevercopy to clipboard | Download | Raw | Embed | Report abuse1.

[RajivMalhotraDiscussion] Response to Indian dancer upset at my critique of Christian Bharatnatyam





6.Rajiv Malhotra ✆ RajivMalhotra2007@gmail.com via yahoogroups.com to RajivMalhotraD.

7.show details 11:49 AM (8 hours ago)


9.After the recent highly successful book event in Houston, the organizers received an email from a dancer in Houston about an upcoming performance by Leela Samson's students. When someone sent the Breaking India excerpt about Leela Samson to this dancer, she replied that Breaking India had "resurrected the scandal" against Leela Sampson 4 years after Sampson's supporters had declared it "a dead issue or a non issue". Since it was a private letter forwarded to me for a response, I will not name the person. The letter claimed that the "attacks against Leela Sampson" in 2007 were the work of one man based on "some internal 'politics' and innuendos" within the dance academy. It went on to say that "the dance community of India strongly supported Leela Samson and discredited Nadar's accusations as scurrilous religion-based comments." The protestor proudly asserts: "I am a dancer, from Chennai, and to me, the Kalakshetra is a 'shrine' to [color="#FF0000"]art[/color] built by Rukmini Devi..."

[color="#800080"](First step of christianism and its christoconditioning is to always reduce heathen religious practice to culture or spirituality or "art". So Bindi and Pongal become "culture", Yoga becomes "spirituality" and "exercise" while Hindu temples, sculpting, painting and of course music and dance become "art".)[/color]

10.I agree with her on the prestigious dance academy being a shrine. I disagree with her on what that entails. To understand the syndrome we are dealing with, it is important to first understand the strategy known as inculturation and its colonizing influences upon a growing number of Indian dancers, such as this protestor. [color="#0000FF"]What this dancer feels is precisely the result of inculturation - namely, to de-Hinduize the tradition in such a manner that it is welcomed by the practitioners who begin to see this shift as a kind of modernization and globalization program. The first stage is to diminish the dharmic metaphysical context by emptying the symbols of their deeper meanings, and this gets gradually secularized and eventually Christianized.[/color]

[color="#800080"](Not mere internationalisation, but universalisation: "belongs to everyone, it's 'just' spirituality" nonsense. It's a grave threat to Hindus and their religion.)[/color]

11.The students learn to perform across a wide range of improvisations and stories depending on the given audience. From the most traditional to the most distant from tradition, there is a spectrum with the following stages:

12.1) very traditional Hindu

13.2) modern but still Hindu

14.3) use of Hindu symbols but without explaining their traditional meaning

15.4) symbols turned into decorations and generic spirituality, to be sprinkled in for exotic/ethnic beauty

16.5) total secularization

17.6) Christian stories, but still using the traditional dance grammar, dress, gestures

18.7) dancing stories of protest against the tradition's "oppression" against women, Dalits, etc.

19.Ever since Christian institutions across India and the West started taking over Indian dance academies, they have been increasingly producing such students in the name of modernity. The performer will do different things before different audiences. This is sort of equivalent to what is called "al taqiyah" in Islam, namely, to be respectful to the majority culture and traditions for the time being.

20.Inculturation is at a highly advanced stage of perfection in India.
It was started by the church first in Latin America and Africa to gradually convert tribes by infiltrating them gently with appropriation of their culture. [color="#0000FF"]The western trend of Christian Yoga is a part of the same syndrome. There are many such appropriations that confuse Indians into thinking it is a complement to them.[/color] I deal with this partly in my forthcoming book "Being Different", and in greater detail in my subsequent "U-Turn Theory".

[color="#800080"](That's not the only thing they're appropriating.

Also, christianism started inculturation as early as its infestation of Rome itself.)[/color]

21.What I would greatly appreciate from Leela Sampson's academy is a clear statement of policy on inculturation and secularization of Bharatnatyam: Does she claim that this dance can be performed either as Hindu form or as non Hindu form? Does she believe that our postmodern era makes it easier (and hence desirable) to teach and learn dance that is "liberated" from Hinduism? Does she feel that Bharatnatyam is separable from its underlying metaphysics - a metaphysics that my book "Being Different" shows to be incompatible with the fundamental metaphysics of Abrahamic religions?

22.In other words, let us get Sampson's clear position on what is the relationship between (i) Hinduism and Natya Shastra and (ii) Natya Shastra and Bharatnatyam.

23.Until such questions are debated openly and dealt with, the protestor is making a meaningless and potentially insincere compliment to Rukmani Devi and "the dancers that she had helped train, and who still carry aloft the torch of Bharatanatyam." She must go deeper than a mere surface understanding of the syndrome.


[color="#0000FF"]25.But she is unlikely to do any such deep introspection. Her final sentence in the letter clarifies her escapist mindset: "It is a heavy book with disturbing writings. I'd rather spend time studying Vedanta..." This interpretation of Vedanta as an escape from whatever one finds "disturbing" and "heavy" is one of the symptoms of what I have called the Moron Smriti. But that is the topic of yet another book and I won't go further into it here.[/color]

[color="#800080"](Rajeev is wrong in his diagnosis about that last. The whole "going into (new-age pseudo-) Vedanta" thing is a sign of de-heathenisation/christianisation in some people and even a sign of cryptochristianism in others.

I think it was Ishwar Sharan who tried to explain the dangers of this shift among - invariably new-age - Hindus.)[/color]


27.Rajiv Malhotra

And inculturating/crypto-christian music production houses, albums and cryptochristian "musicians" are also at it. Starting with Hindu shlokas and carnatic songs, and moving to christian albums as if it's all innocent and part of a continuum.

  NJ-PA Jirga and Talk by Bharat Karnad - Nov 13
Posted by: Shaurya - 09-29-2011, 08:19 AM - Forum: Strategic Security of India - Replies (4)


There is a talk by Bharat Karnad along with a get together being organized by some members, who post at Bharat Rakshak forums.

The date for the event is Nov 13 around noon.

If there are members here, who are interested to attend, please send an email to t dot shaurya at gmail

Space is limited, so please let us know at ASAP.

Hope the moderators do not mind this thread. Thanks.

PS: Profile of Bharat Karnad: http://www.cprindia.org/users/bharat-karnad